Ignite Change

Project Fierce and Awesome

Ignite Change with Project Fierce and Awesome!

Welcome to Project Fierce and Awesome, a dynamic initiative with a simple yet transformative mission: to empower marginalized girls and women with education and meaningful skills opportunities that can elevate their lives.

Why Fierce and Awesome?
In a world where barriers often hinder progress, Project Fierce and Awesome stands as a beacon of hope. We’re on a mission to dismantle those barriers and pave the way for a brighter future. Our belief is simple: Every girl and woman deserves the chance to thrive, to unleash their full potential, and to become a force for positive change.

Education as Empowerment
Education is a cornerstone of empowerment. Through Project Fierce and Awesome, we provide access to quality education, training, and skill-building that equips girls and women with the tools they need to excel. We’re investing in their futures, creating a ripple effect of change that echoes through generations.

Meaningful skills Opportunities
Meaningful work is a gateway to self-sufficiency and empowerment. Project Fierce and Awesome is committed to providing opportunities that allow girls and women to contribute to their communities while achieving financial independence. We’re sowing the seeds of entrepreneurship and leadership, fostering a spirit of innovation and determination.

Creator Elizabeth “Zonita” Ofori

Elizabeth ‘Zionita’ Ofori, is a visionary humanitarian, inspirational author, impact-driven development professional and catalyst of positive transformation. With an unwavering passion for people, equity, and social justice, she leads the Lady B Bless Humanitarian Foundation on a journey to uplift lives across continents. Her heart is a wellspring of compassion, and her spirit is ignited by the pursuit of a world where everyone thrives, regardless of boundaries.


Elizabeth’s aspiration to be a global leading voice on development, equity, and social justice resonates through initiatives that empower youth, advocate for mental health, provide clean water, and foster education. Her dedication to igniting change comes alive not only through her humanitarian work but also through her impactful words as an author.

She is shaping a world where compassion and impact know no bounds, where her vision can becomes a reality that transforms lives and uplifts humanity.

Your Role in Igniting Change
Empowerment knows no bounds when we come together. By donating to Project Fierce and Awesome, you’re igniting change on a profound level. Your support directly impacts lives, fuels dreams, and propels our mission forward.

Sales from the book Concentric Circles goes to Project Fierce & Awesome

Join us in creating a world where fierce and awesome girls and women stand at the forefront of progress. Together, we’re shaping a future that’s brighter, bolder, and full of limitless potential.


Donate today and be a catalyst for transformation. Let’s empower, uplift, and inspire – one life at a time.