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SDGs Ambassador, Diana Herawati teaching the SDGs in Indonesia.

It’s always exciting and fulfilling to see how individuals who have gone through our #LearnTeachSDGs class online utilize the knowledge and support gained in useful actions to promote the Global Goals.

Meet The Lady B Bless Humanitarian Foundation’s SDGs Ambassador, Diana Herawati. Diana is a secondary school teacher in Indonesia. She signed up for our #LearnTeachSDGs classes online and successfully received her certificate of completion along with good knowledge and understanding of the SDGs and how she can join the action towards achieving the Goals in her home country Indonesia.

After completing her class, she qualified to join our SDGs Ambassadors Program where she receives further training and support from The Lady B Bless Humanitarian Foundation, to activate actions towards the Global Goals in her locality.

Her “Bringing Museums to Schools” project, an initiative she launched this week in her school in Indonesia with support from The Lady B Bless Humanitarian Foundation. The project is an effort to provide inclusive and shared learning of history to her school when they couldn’t afford to visit all the museums they needed to. Inspired by the Bangkok Bringing SDGs to Schools project, she has initiated a similar project and her students get to see images and information from different museums just as they would have if they had traveled to see them.

She’s a testament to the efforts of The Lady B Bless Humanitarian Foundation to advocate and teach the Goals to young people and professionals all over the world until no one is left behind.

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